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Provisional calendar- June 4th, 2019 : deadline for submission of session proposals Session proposal guidelinesThe languages of the conference are French, English and Spanish. Researchers, teaching researchers and doctoral students can propose sessions. Content of the call for sessionsThe 5th conference of the International College of Territorial Sciences is proposing to address the theoretical, methodological and practical issues raised by the simultaneous consideration of population, time and territories. These issues relate to two key challenges: (1) the aggregation of individual actions or the attributes of individuals within a population on a territory, and (2) the integration of the temporal dimension into the dynamics of populations (human and/or animal) and their territorial identification, at different scales. A&T (Actions & Territorialisations)The timescales of territorial public action and the timescales of population dynamics are fundamentally incompatible and, therefore, constitute major political issues. How are population dynamics mobilised, put into narrative, through territorial planning or foresight? How do territorialised modes of public intervention attempt to thwart or support these developments? INFTER (Local Territorial Information)With the digital revolution, we can now capture the dynamics of local territories in real time. However, the proliferation of data from sensors or GPS trackers raises a number of questions. How can such massive data be collected and exploited in practice? What are its contributions and limitations? What type of usage is appropriate for which actors? What happens to this data? What control and involvement do users have in the creation of territorial ambitions derived from these data? MEDIA (Media and Territories)How does short-term web data interact with long-term territorial representations, especially memory representations? How do the media contribute to preserving, reproducing and transforming territorial imaginations? Which individual or collective actors are involved in the production of media representations of territories? What is the role of the media in the formation of stereotypes about territories, for example about territories in crisis, migratory flows, or their representations of identity? MIT (Mobilities, Identities and Territories)Geographical mobility unfurls across different spatial scales (national or international) and involves specific timescales (daily, temporary or permanent migrations). How do these different levels of mobility contribute to the structuring of territories, and vice versa? What theoretical and methodological frameworks enable us to comprehend them simultaneously? How can we go beyond traditional categorisations? What link can be established between migration, territory and identity policies? PAST (Territories over the long-term)The diachrony of interrelations between society and the environment broaches a wide variety of topics (landscape construction, settlement, use/development of resources, risks, etc.). What digital tools for analysis, representation and modelling can be used? How can the juxtaposition of the timescales specific to the different components of a territorial system be analysed? What concepts and approaches can be borrowed from various academic disciplines (geoscience, archaeological sciences, historical sciences, etc.)? REMOC (Regionalisation, Globalisations, Circulations)Regional integration processes across the world (the EU, NAFTA, ASEAN, as well as new groupings such as the Lima Group, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the Pacific Alliance, BRICS, etc.) form part of distinct registers of temporality: institutional changes, economic and demographic fluctuations, changes in social practices and territorial representations. How does this regionalisation affect the territories and populations concerned? SANTE (Territories and Health)Whether in contexts of ageing populations and declining territories in developed countries or of high population growth in developing nations, time lies at the heart of health inequalities. What public policies should be implemented to address this issue, both at territorial level (health maps, responses to territorial determinants of health) and at individual level (personal trajectories, lifelong care pathways, chronic diseases, etc.)? Based on what time frames? Procedure for evaluating the session proposalsThe proposed sessions will be evaluated by the conference’s scientific board, which includes the members of the CIST Scientific Committee and various external individuals. Session proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria: