Session E
Individual and Territorial Trajectories: Longitudinal Approaches and Interactions
Facilitators: Catherine BONVALET (Ined), Christophe IMBERT (IDEES) & Guillaume LE ROUX (Ined)
This session will bring together contributions linking individual trajectories and the trajectories of territories in various fields of study (housing, employment, health, etc.). They will focus both on the role of spatial contexts and resources with regard to individual trajectories (geographical, social) and on the transformations of the territories under study as a result of individual trajectories (gentrification, peri-urbanisation). Several decades after the formalisation of the life course approach in demography (Courgeau & Lelièvre, 1989) and time-geography (Hägerstrand, 1970), the aim will be to review the contributions of longitudinal approaches in order to better understand individual destinies and behaviours by placing them in their present and past territorial contexts (Authier & Lévy, 2010; Bonvalet & Bringé, 2010; de Vuijst et al., 2016) and on the other hand, the dynamics of territorial settlement based on biographical and generational timescales (Dureau et al., 2000).
In addition to the difficulties raised by the complexity of the interactions between individuals and territories, these approaches must also meet conceptual and methodological challenges: studying spatial contexts in which individuals reside, choosing relevant levels of geographical aggregation to characterise their effects, or considering individuals’ multiple spatial anchors. Nevertheless, these approaches now benefit from the improvement of tools for collecting and analysing trajectories (Dureau & Imbert, 2010), as well as from a considerable increase in geo-localised data that can improve both methods and theoretical contributions.
Indicative bibliographical references
Authier J.-Y., Lévy J.-P., 2010, « Rester ou partir ? La construction sociale des choix résidentiels des habitants des quartiers anciens centraux en France », in J.-Y. Authier, C. Bonvalet & J.-P. Lévy (dir.), Elire domicile. La construction sociale des choix résidentiels, Lyon, Presses universitaires de Lyon, p. 123-148.
Bonvalet C., Bringé A., 2010, « Les trajectoires socio-spatiales des Franciliens depuis leur départ de chez les parents », Temporalités, Revue de sciences sociales et humaines, n° 11.
Courgeau D., Lelièvre E., 1989, Analyse démographique des biographies, Paris, Éditions de l’Ined.
de Vuijst E., van Ham M., Kleinhans R., 2016, “A Life Course Approach to Understanding Neighbourhood Effects”, IZA Discussion Paper, n° 10276.
Dureau F., Dupont V., Lelièvre E., Lévy J.-P., Lulle T. (coord.), 2000, Métropoles en mouvement : une comparaison internationale, Paris, Anthropos, Coll. Villes.
Dureau F., Imbert C., 2014, « L’approche biographique des mobilités résidentielles », in C. Imbert, H. Dubucs, F. Dureau & M. Giroud, D’une métropole à l’autre. Pratiques urbaines et circulations dans l’espace européen, Paris, Armand Colin, Coll. Recherches, p. 33-79.
Hägerstrand T., 1970, “What about People in Regional Science?”, 9th European Congress of the Regional Science Association, Regional Science Association Papers, vol. XXIV.