Presentations of the 16 themed sessions > Session J

Session J

Local Public Policies Faced with Household Timescales. Towards Cooperation between Ethnographers, Economists, Historians and Geographers

Facilitators: Eleonora ELGUEZABAL (INRA-Cesaer), Olivia VIEUJEAN (EHESS-CMH) & Florence WEBER (PSL-ENS-CMH)

This session aims to compare several local studies focused on rural or urban areas undergoing abrupt structural changes in the area of local employment (individuals returning or leaving, changes in agricultural, industrial and tourism practices). By developing statistical tools adapted to the analysis of the articulation between individual and family trajectories and local public policies, the aim is to bring to light large-scale economic processes and their effects on individuals depending on the territorial policies adopted at different local scales.
The idea is to examine the residential and family trajectories of individuals according to their residential legal status and the nature of their income. Depending on the employment dynamics of the places under study, we shall investigate to what extent, for the individuals involved, housing represents a resource, a constraint or a trap, both from the economic and moral point of view (internal social obligation).
To what extent are policies applied in a given place (employment, living environment, culture, education and health, land use, housing and transport) influenced by regulatory representations of the mobility practices of individuals (employed, self-employed, right holders or annuitants)? How do various economic actors (notaries, owners, entrepreneurs, etc.) influence, with varying levels of success, spatial pricing processes? What native indicators of value are produced and at what scales? How might these indicators be analysed, modelled, quantified?

Indicative bibliographical references

Bargel L., 2016, « Une carte, trois communes et deux États. Conflits pour l’appropriation institutionnelle de pâturages alpins frontaliers », Norois, 238-239(1), p. 85-95.
Chamboredon J.-C., 2019, Territoires, culture et classes sociales, textes choisis et présentés par G. Laferté et F. Weber, Paris, éd. Rue d’Ulm, Coll. Sciences sociales.
Collectif, 2012, dossier « Conflits d’usage dans les espaces ruraux et périurbains », Economie rurale, n° 332.
Cribier F., Kych, A., 1992, « La migration de retraite des Parisiens : une analyse de la propension au départ », Population, 47(3), p. 677-717.
Dufy C., Weber F., 2007, L’ethnographie économique, Repères, Paris, La Découverte.
Elguezabal E., 2015, Frontières urbaines : les mondes sociaux des copropriétés fermées, Rennes, PUR.
Laferté G., 2014, « Des études rurales à l’analyse des espaces sociaux localisés », Sociologie, n° 4, p. 423-439.
Martínez Alier J., 2014, L’écologisme des pauvres. Une étude des conflits environnementaux dans le monde, Les petits matins/Inst. Veblen, 2014 [2002, trad. de l’espagnol par A. Verkaeren].
Renahy N., 2005, Les gars du coin. Enquête sur une jeunesse rurale, Paris, La Découverte.
Weber F., 1989, Le travail à côté. Etude d’ethnographie ouvrière, Paris, INRA–éd. de l’EHESS.

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