Presentations of the 16 themed sessions > Session KSession KInvestigating Health Care Territorialisation: Steps, Actors, ChangesFacilitators: Emmanuel ELIOT (IDEES-Rouen) & Véronique LUCAS-GABRIELLI (Irdes)Territorialisation is a process of transformation of health care systems based on the decompartmentalisation of resources in order to develop planning policies. In France, the Hospital, Patients, Health and Regions Act (2009), the 2016 Health Act and the “Ma santé 2022” Act are major steps in this process. In other countries, although reforms may vary from place to place, a similar logic is being obeyed: the emergence of the “local” as a space of management and action, the focus on proximity in the battle against health inequalities, an increase in the number of intermediaries/providers involved in healthcare provision, the introduction of new forms of management, etc. These approaches vary in terms of their details depending on the country, sector, facility (hospitals, primary care, etc.). Therefore, this call for submissions aims at comparing case studies, contexts or situations in order to investigate 1/ to what extent contemporary reforms contribute to the creation of new healthcare places and spaces, and 2/ how scales and actors are reorganised as part of these reforms. This should help to provide a better understanding of how policies are responding to health challenges such as ageing, unequal distribution of population and healthcare, cost of care, etc. Indicative bibliographical referencesAmat-Roze J.-M., 2011, « La territorialisation de la santé : quand le territoire fait débat », Hérodote, 143(4), p. 13-32. |