Calls > Session T - unpresentedSession THealth Inequalities with Regard to Temporalities: From Care Trajectories to Life TrajectoriesFacilitators: Virginie CHASLES (EVS), Anne-Cécile HOYEZ (ESO) & Clélia GASQUET-BLANCHARD (EHESP)This session aims to investigate the processes of construction of social health inequalities with regard to timescales (Demazière & Samuel, 2010) in which individuals and territories are involved, at different scales (Hoyez et al., 2019). Priority will be given to the following approaches. The first will focus on the life and care trajectories of populations (Strauss, 1978), with an emphasis on the ways in which the different social, economic, institutional, professional, family and health dimensions fit together depending on the individuals or groups (women, foreigners, the elderly, children) in question, in order to illustrate the complexity of the processes at work in social health inequalities (Gasquet & Hoyez, 2015). The second will focus on the spatio-temporal dynamics across the health and care sector and their impact on health inequalities. More specifically, the focus will be on showing that the increased metropolisation of the supply of care is accompanied by an increase in the distances to care that forces patients to be more mobile. The aim will then be to show to what extent this relationship to distance and mobility is socially and spatially differentiated, and thus contributes to health inequalities. The question of timescales might be addressed on the basis of the issue of chronic diseases, which places patients in complex care pathways (multiple and frequent consultations) and this should prompt us to reconsider the process of health inequality construction (Fayet et al., 2018). Indicative bibliographical referencesDemazière D., Samuel O., 2010, « Inscrire les parcours individuels dans leurs contextes », Temporalités, n° 11.
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