
We are pleased to announce that registrations for the 5th CIST conference are open until November 10th, and allow you to participate either in person or remotely.
At the end of the scientific council held during the confinement, on the 31st of March on the basis of three double-blind assessments per proposal, 139 papers were selected within 16 of the 21 sessions, supplemented by a session varia.
Due to the Covid-19 chaotic situation, the scientific council has been postponed to March 31st and will be held by videoconference.
204 out of the 223 proposals are being accepted for expertise for a selection planned for March 24th.
The call for papers deadline has been postponed to Monday February 24th, 2020
The call for papers deadline has been postponed to Sunday January 26th, 2020
The call for papers has just been launched. It will remain open until January 15th, 2020. The proposals must follow the proposed template and be directly deposited on the site ("Submit" page).
The Scientific Committee met on June 27th to select 21 out of 33 session proposals. Next step: the call for papers to be launched in September!
We will receive by Monday June 24th at the latest all the evaluations of session proposals, from: 1/ an outside expert, 2/ a member of the scientific council and 3/ one of the scientific co-heads of the conference
The call for sessions is now over. We have received 33 proposals. They will be evaluated by three different persons and treated by the scientific council on June 27th.
The call for sessions ends on the 4th of June, 2019. Ensure you have enough time to follow the guidelines :
L'appel à sessions pour le colloque CIST2020 "Population, temps, territoires" est ouvert jusqu'au 4 juin 2019. Pour répondre, envoyer votre fichier rédiger selon les consignes données à l'adresse de contact du colloque
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