Long abstracts of the papers > By Session

Session A1 - Island time. Island Territories from Different Temporal Perspectives (4 documents)
Session A2 - Island time. Island Territories from Different Temporal Perspectives (4 documents)
Session B1 - The Creative Edges of Globalisation: Spaces, Processes, Flows (3 documents)
Session B2 - The Creative Edges of Globalisation: Spaces, Processes, Flows (3 documents)
Session C1 - Health Inequalities: Understand the Spatial and Temporal Logics of Changes in Health (2 documents)
Session C2 - Health Inequalities: Understand the Spatial and Temporal Logics of Changes in Health (4 documents)
Session D1 - Territorial Reforms: A Balance between Resilience and Innovation. Which Timescale for which Populations? (5 documents)
Session D2 - Territorial Reforms: A Balance between Resilience and Innovation. Which Timescale for which Populations? (4 documents)
Session E1 - Individual and Territorial Trajectories: Longitudinal Approaches and Interactions (4 documents)
Session E2 - Individual and Territorial Trajectories: Longitudinal Approaches and Interactions (4 documents)
Session F1 - Long-Term Evolution of Territories and Settlements (4 documents)
Session F2 - Long-Term Evolution of Territories and Settlements (4 documents)
Session G1 - Small and Medium-Sized Cities, Services and Territories: An International Perspective (5 documents)
Session G2 - Small and Medium-Sized Cities, Services and Territories: An International Perspective on Urban Shrinkage (4 documents)
Session G3 - Small and Medium-Sized Cities, Services and Territories: An International Perspective on Urban Shrinkage (6 documents)
Session H1 - New Systems of Regionalisation. The Latin American Laboratory (4 documents)
Session H2 - New Systems of Regionalisation. The Latin American Laboratory (6 documents)
Session I1 - Urban Wastelands: Spaces of Innovation or Times for Conflicts? (4 documents)
Session I2 - Urban Wastelands. Spaces of Innovation or Times for Conflicts? (4 documents)
Session I3 - Urban Wastelands. Spaces of Innovation or Times for Conflicts? (5 documents)
Session J1 - Local Public Policies Faced with Household Timescales. Towards Cooperation between Ethnographers, Economists, Historians and Geographers (3 documents)
Session J2 - Local Public Policies Faced with Household Timescales. Towards Cooperation between Ethnographers, Economists, Historians and Geographers (4 documents)
Session K1 - Investigating Health Care Territorialisation: Steps, Actors, Changes (4 documents)
Session K2 - Investigating Health Care Territorialisation: Steps, Actors, Changes (4 documents)
Session L1 - Demographic Transitions and Territories. Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (3 documents)
Session L2 - Demographic Transitions and Territories. Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (3 documents)
Session M - Living in In-Between Spaces. Ranges of Experience and Horizons of Expectation in Intermediate Spaces (5 documents)
Session N - Time Geography: 50 Years of Thinking about Population, Time and Territories (4 documents)
Session O - Connecting Care Needs, Space and Places. The Role of Health Technologies (0 document)
Session P1 - Movements of Plants and People and the Question of Territorial Rootedness (5 documents)
Session P2 - Movements of Plants and People and the Question of Territorial Rootedness (4 documents)
Session Q1 - 2020: Pace of Life and Urban Rhythms. What Prospects for Urban Time Policies? (4 documents)
Session Q2 - 2020: Pace of Life and Urban Rhythms. What Prospects for Urban Time Policies? (4 documents)
Session R - Between Spaces, Time and Cultural Traditions: (Re)Thinking Prehistoric Nomadic Territories (0 document)
Session S - Web Data for Longitudinal Research on Populations and Territories (0 document)
Session T - Health Inequalities with Regard to Temporalities: From Care Trajectories to Life Trajectories (0 document)
Session U - Local Information through the Prism of Real Time (0 document)
Varia 1 (4 documents)
Varia 2 (5 documents)
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