Calls > Session U - unpresented

Session U

Local Information through the Prism of Real Time

Facilitators: Malika MADELIN (PRODIG) & Marianne GUÉROIS (Géographie-cités)

With the digital revolution, it is now possible to capture the dynamics of local territories in real or near real time. More than the massive nature of massive data, some believe that it is the speed at which they are collected (the velocity of the « 3V ») that has led to the profound transformation of the role and the place of digital data in the observation and the management of local territories (Miller & Goodchild, 2014). In some large cities, the collection of such continuous data flows already feeds into “urban dashboards”, which aim for example to develop new customised services for city users (route calculation, equipment use, etc.), to optimise the management of certain infrastructures (transport or energy flows, public safety, etc.) or to warn about the existence of environmental risks (air pollution, cyclones, etc.) (Kitchin, 2014). However, the proliferation of these data from sensors or geolocalised traces, voluntarily collected by citizens or produced obscurely by cities or companies, raises a series of issues related to both their handling and the way they are used: How do the individuals involved define “real time” and what is the temporal resolution considered as appropriate when it comes to the analysis of the territories of everyday life? In practical terms, how is such massive data to be collected and utilised? What are the theoretical and methodological issues in terms of the temporal monitoring of geographical entities and of the articulation of timescales (Mathian & Sanders, 2014)? Finally, what uses are appropriate for which types of actors and for which populations? What are the contributions and the limits of these data in terms of the coordination of public policy (Courmont, 2018)? What part do users play in the development of these territorial visions (Cardullo & Kitchin, 2019)?

Indicative bibliographical references

Cardullo P., Kitchin R., 2019, “Being a ‘Citizen’ in the Smart City: Up and Down the Scaffold of Smart Citizen Participation in Dublin, Ireland”, GeoJournal, 84(1), p. 1-13.
Courmont A., 2018, « Plateforme, big data et recomposition du gouvernement urbain. Les effets de Waze sur les politiques de régulation du trafic », Revue française de sociologie, 2018/3, vol. 59.
Kitchin R., 2014, “The Real-Time City? Big Data and Smart Urbanism”, GeoJournal, 2014:1.
Mathian H., Sanders L., 2014, Objets géographiques et processus de changement. Approches spatio-temporelles, ISTE éd.
Miller H.J., Goodchild M.F., 2014, “Data-Driven Geography”, GeoJournal, 80(4), p. 449-461.



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